北外ACT培训   您的位置:阅读


  • 发布日期:2014-07-05
  • 北外ACT1对1 报名开始
  ACT考试阅读部分题型介绍-ACT Science Test
  LengthQuestion Types
  35 Minutes10 Social Studies Questions
  10 Natural Sciences Questions
  10 Prose Fiction Questions
  10 Humanities Questions
  On the ACT Reading Test, you'll have 35 minutes to answer 40 questions—that's about 50 seconds per question! The section contains four passages, each followed by 10 questions.
  ACT Reading Question Format
  There are four categories of reading passages: Social Studies, Natural Sciences, Humanities, and Prose Fiction. You'll get one passage in each category. The passages are about 1,000 words long and are written at about the same difficulty level as college textbooks. After each passage, you'll find 10 questions.
  The Social Studies, Natural Sciences, and Humanities passages are usually well-organized essays, each with a specific theme. Questions—including Specific Detail, Inference, and Big Picture questions—expect you to recognize the theme, to comprehend specific facts, and to understand the structure of the essay. Prose Fiction passages require you to understand the thoughts, feelings, and motivations of fictional characters, even when these are not explicitly stated in the passage.
  Top 8 Strategies for the ACT Reading Test
  Read actively, with an eye toward where the author is going
  Don't get bogged down in the specific details of the passage
  Don't let the answer choices direct your thinking
  Always refer to the passage before choosing an answer
  Build a mental road map for all nonfiction passages - an outline of the major points covered
  Don't try to construct a mental road map for the Prose Fiction passage. Instead, pay attention to the story and the characters
  When given a specific line reference, always read a few sentences before and after the cited lines


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    北外ACT一对一培训课程A套餐 20小时 19800元(免费赠送教材) 北外ACT报名在线咨询
    北外ACT一对一培训课程B套餐 50小时 49800元(免费赠送教材) 北外ACT报名在线咨询
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